Repository of documents, studies, and reports endorsed for release by the Commuter Connections Subcommittee at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.
Featured Publications
FY2023 Guaranteed Ride Home Customer Satisfaction Survey Report
All GRH customers who obtained a free ride home through the program during FY23 were provided the opportunity to participate in the survey. The survey allows respondents to rate the GRH service and provide written feedback. This report is a review of that feedback.
FY2025 Commuter Connections Work Program
The Fiscal Year 2025 Commuter Connections Work Program (CCWP) consists of a core program of regional transportation demand management operational activities funded jointly by state and local jurisdictions, plus jurisdictional programs that are conducted at the discretion of individual
state funding agencies. This report is a review of those activities and programs.
FY2024 Strategic Marketing Plan
The purpose of the plan is to assist with the coordination of TDM marketing campaigns to maximize regional effectiveness in increasing awareness and use of alternative transportation modes. It also provides background on TDM products and services, which offer multi-modal options to Washington, DC area
residents and businesses, which assist commuters in finding and adopting alternative transportation methods
2021-2023 TDM Analysis Evaluation Report
This report presents the results of an evaluation of four voluntary regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program elements implemented by Commuter Connections It also documents transportation and air quality impacts generated by the TDM program elements between July 1, 2020 and June 20, 2023.
2022 Bike to Work Day Survey Report
This brief report presents results of a survey of commuters who participated in the 2022 regional Bike to Work Day event, held in May 2022. This survey was to identify the experience of the participants with the Bike to Work Day event and
to assess participants’ use of bike for commute travel before and after the event.
2022 Guaranteed Ride Home Application Survey Report
This report presents the results of a Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) survey of 1,370 commuters who currently participate or who have participated in the Commuter Connections Washington Regional
GRH Program operated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of
Governments (MWCOG) for commuters who work in the metropolitan Washington region.
2022 Guaranteed Ride Home Baltimore Applicant Survey Report
This report presents the results of a Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) survey of 96 commuters who currently participate or who previously participated in the Baltimore and St. Mary’s County regional GRH Program marketed through the Maryland Transit Administration and operated through the Commuter Connections program at the Metropolitan Washington Council of
2021-2023 TDM Evaluation Framework
This report provides a framework and methodology for evaluating the transportation and air quality impacts of Commuter Connections four TDM program elements. These elements include: Maryland and Virginia Telework Assistance, Guaranteed Ride Home, Employer Outreach, and Mass Marketing
2021 Retention Rate Survey Report
This report presents the results of a “retention rate” survey of 1,316 commuters who participated in Commuter Connections’ carpool/vanpool ridematching service, regional Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program, a commuter
incentive program administered by Commuter Connections, or who requested other commute information or assistance from the Commuter Connections website or mobile application.
2022 State of the Commute
State of the Commute 2022 - Full Publication
This report presents the results of the State of the Commute (SOC) survey,
conducted for the Commuter Connections program, which examines, every three years, commuting travel to and from work in the region by documenting trends in commuting patterns and exploring workers’ awareness and use of regional transportation infrastructure and information and assistance services. The SOC survey also collects commuters’ opinions about current transportation initiatives.
State of the Commute 2022 - Telework
This is a “At a Glance” section from the 2022 State of the Commute (SOC) Report that shows key figures and tables on Telework in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Region. To view the full report, go to SOC on the Commuter Connection website.
State of the Commute 2022 - Attitudes and Awareness
This is a “At a Glance” section from the 2022 State of the Commute (SOC) Report that shows key figures and tables on Regional Attitudes and Awareness towards Transportation Options in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Region. To view the full report, go to SOC on the Commuter Connection website.
State of the Commute 2022 - Employer Provided Services
This is a “At a Glance” section from the 2022 State of the Commute (SOC) Report that shows key figures and tables on Employer Provided Commuter Services in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Region. To view the full report, go to SOC on the Commuter Connection website.
State of the Commute 2022 - Commute Patterns
This is a “At a Glance” section from the 2022 State of the Commute (SOC) Report that shows key figures and tables for Commute Patterns in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Region. To view the full report, go to SOC on the Commuter Connection website.
5-year Archive
Published documents published over five years ago are available upon request.