No. The Ridematching program simply connects commuters interested in carpooling/vanpooling with other commuters who travel a similar route and have compatible work schedules. In other words, we help bridge the gap between commuters interested in carpooling/vanpooling.
Commuter FAQ
Ridesharing & Guaranteed Ride Home
Why do I need to submit my supervisor's name and phone number?
Your supervisor’s information is needed in case you request a Guaranteed Ride Home trip because of unscheduled overtime. We need to verify with your supervisor that you are indeed working overtime. Your supervisor will not be contacted for any other trip reason.
How much does the Guaranteed Ride Home program cost?
Commuter Connections is committed to getting you home free of charge in the event of an emergency. There are several “elective” costs that are not covered by the Guaranteed Ride Home. If you choose to tip your taxi driver, this cost is not covered by the program. Extra services for a car rental beyond simply the cost of the rental car (including additional insurance and keeping the rental car for more than 1 day) are not covered by the program.
How much does the Ridematching program cost?
The Ridematching program is completely free of charge. Commuter Connections is committed to putting you in contact with potential carpooling/vanpool partners free of charge.
How do I request a Guaranteed Ride Home?
Simply call 1-800-745-7433. Choose #1 for English or #2 for Spanish. Next, choose #2 to speak with a dispatcher. The dispatcher will approve your trip if you qualify and provide you with a Guaranteed Ride Home trip.
How many Guaranteed Ride Home trips do I get per year?
You have 6 trips per year.
Where can I find my Commuter ID Number?
The Commuter ID Number is printed on your Guaranteed Ride Home Card. This card was sent to you shortly after you registered/re-registered for the GRH program.
Will Commuter Connections sell/share my personal/contact information?
No. We keep your information secure and will not share it with any businesses.
What is a Ridematch letter? How will I get in contact with potential carpool/vanpool partners?
A Ridematch letter is sent to you after you have applied for the Ridematching program. This letter will contain the names and appropriate contact information of your potential carpool/vanpool partners. It is up to you to contact these commuters to see if there is a good fit for a carpool/vanpool.
I registered or re-registered for the Guaranteed Ride Home program but I did not receive my new Guaranteed Ride Home ID Card. What should I do?
It can take up to two weeks for you to receive your Guaranteed Ride Home ID Card. If you have not received your ID Card within two weeks of registering/re-registering, please call us at 1-800-745-RIDE (7433), and we will send you an ID Card.
How long is my Guaranteed Ride Home membership good for?
The Guaranteed Ride Home membership lasts for one year. After one year you will need to call 1-800-745-RIDE (7433) to re-register for the program.
What does it mean to re-register for the Guaranteed Ride Home program?
Your GRH registration expires one year after your registration date. After one year, you will need to re-register for the program by calling 1-800-745-RIDE (7433). The process entails updating any change in contact, job or commuting information. The re-registration process takes just a few minutes.
What happens if I need a Guaranteed Ride home trip but I am not registered for the GRH program?
You are still able to receive your ride home as a Guaranteed Ride Home One-Time Exception. After you take your GRH trip, you will have to go online to or call 1-800-745-RIDE (7433) to register for the program. Your One-Time Exception trip will count against your six trips given for the upcoming year-long membership. In other words, after you register following your One-Time Exception trip you will have five trips remaining for the year.
I am having trouble registering for the Guaranteed Ride Home program or the Ridematching program online. What should I do?
Please call us at 1-800-745-RIDE (7433). We will be happy to help you with any technical problems you are having.
How can Commuter Connections provide these services at no cost to the public?
Commuter Connections is housed at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and is a program of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board. Commuter Connections is funded by the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Departments of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation.
What other ridesharing options are available in the region?
Casual and dynamic carpooling (sometimes known as “slugging”) to and from work could be good ridesharing options on a daily basis, or for those looking for a one-time trip. There are websites and commercial mobile apps that can assist you in finding out about these additional options. Commuter Connections does not manage or endorse these forms of ridesharing and accepts no liability for slugging or dynamic ridesharing activity. Each commuter must be aware of the potential risks, hazards, and difficulties associated with accepting a ride from an unknown person.
How does CarpoolNow work?
The CarpoolNow app allows commuters to connect with one another dynamically for traveling to and from work. It’s a free service that you can sign up for through your Commuter Connections account and can help you save money on every commute trip. Each commuter using this service must be aware of and abide by the mobile apps terms of use.
What is the best way to get to work?
By setting up a Commuter Connections account and signing up for Ridesharing, you will be able to take advantage of our mapping system which will inform you of your commuting options. You can also use our “Cost of Commuting” calculator to determine your savings from switching your commute mode to ridesharing or transit as opposed to driving alone.