Commuter Connections is a regional network of transportation organizations coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. If you live or work in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. area, Commuter Connections can provide you with information on all your commute options, so you can make a smart choice about how you travel to work.
Our mission is to help commuters find a smarter way to work. To help improve commutes, we operate several free commute-oriented programs. Our proprietary ridematching system matches individuals with similar commuters together for carpools and vanpools. We administer the regional Guaranteed Ride Home program, which provides commuters with a free ride home in the event of an unexpected emergency, personal illness, or unscheduled overtime.
We understand commuting can be a burden on your pocketbook, so we’ve created several incentive programs to help ease the pain: CommuterCash, ‘Pool Rewards, and Flextime Rewards all reward commuters with cash when choosing smarter commute modes.