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Calculate Your Cost of Commuting

Fill out this form to figure out your monthly commute cost!

(Press TAB to move to the next field and SHIFT-TAB to move back one field.)

A. What is your daily round trip commute distance from home to work (in miles)?
B. How many days per month do you normally work?
C. Cost per mile of owning and operating a vehicle: *
D. How much do you pay for monthly parking and/or tolls?
Your estimated Monthly cost of commuting is ---------------
Your estimated Yearly cost of commuting is

* AAA uses five top-selling models in each of nine vehicle categories to calculate ownership costs across a number of areas including Depreciation, Finance, Fuel, Insurance, License/Registration/Taxes and Maintenance/Repair/Tires. These are combined and averaged to determine the overall cost to own a new car in 2024. Annual mileage is assumed to be 15,000. For more information please see, Your Driving Costs .