Determining your company’s reduced Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT’s) is easy!

Use the Tab button after each entry

A. How many employees use alternative transportation methods such as ridesharing (carpool/vanpool), bicycling or take public transportation? (Note: Deduct one employee for each carpool/vanpool vehicle from this figure)
B. What is the average number of days per week employees use these alternative transportation methods?
C. How many employees telework?
D. What is the average number of days per week employees telework?
E. What is the average round trip employee commute distance in miles? (Note: 34.6 miles is the average round trip commute distance for the Washington Metropolitan area)
Your company’s total annual employee vehicle miles reduced is ->

Your company’s total annual employee gallons of gas saved is ->

Important: when finished using the calculator, use the BACK BUTTON. Not doing so and closing the window completely will cause you to lose all your nomination form
data and you will have to start your entire award nomination entry over.